Kids learn and develop through play. Playing outside is important and beneficial for kids in their physical, cognitive, and sensory development. Kids playing outside tend to develop more advanced motor skills than kids who stay indoors most of the time.
What is sensory play? Why is it important to children?
Sensory play is a type of play that engages children in activities involving 7 senses (touch, smell, vision, hearing, taste, balance, and body awareness). Sensory play helps to stimulate the senses and to build nerve connections in the brain, which helps kids with their development.
How does sensory play benefit children?
Sensory development
Provide sensory stimulation in tactile, auditory, vision, balance, body awareness
Cognitive development
Problem solving, creativity, exploration
Motor development
Support physical development in gross motor skills and fine motor skills
Social development
Social interaction with peers
Other developments or skills
Language development
Executive functioning
Problem solving
Safety skill
Attention span, focus
Outdoor sensory play activities for kids:
Playing at the beach
Play with sand and walk barefoot in sand
Play in playground and a sandbox
Go Hiking or go for a walk
Messy play
Building a sensory bin
Children play educational games with a sensory bin in kindergarten.
Engage kids in nature and connect with natural environment. For example, dig in dirt, climb on a tree, touch different textures of leaves and flowers, smell flowers…
Sensory play helps kids to build the skills they need through development.
I am proud to be an occupational therapist Ella Wu, OTD, OTR/L Doctor of Occupational Therapy